Field of Competence

The accumulated experience, reasonable approaches and scenario modelling allow the Company to provide our Client with broad and systematic view of the project or valuation conclusion under current and expected market conditions, to provide our Client with full range of project outcomes being realized with different technical and financial options

Client Services

The range of the Company's services is focused on the integrated support of CEO/CFO (Developer, Investor or Client project group) at the initial stages of a project analysis and promotion in various sectors of Russian Far East economy – from the preliminary appraisal of a potential project and market supply/demand within the project identification stage, to project planning, feasibility phase and strategy planning.

Valuation/appraisal support in the course of initial stages of a project promotion make it possible to optimally rebalance project engineering, financial and economic decisions, to appraise shares of potential stakeholder, to reveal the collateral value of assets, to reconcile terms and conditions of investors' attraction.

Industry Practices

Understanding of industry specificity: market trends, competitive environment, legislative regulation, technological issues, features of cash flow generation, business/project financing schemes used, features of M&A deals, etc. - is very important factor in view of pragmatic feasibility study preparation, actual business valuation or real estate appraisal, which justify the money spent on it.


The initial stages of project promotion are characterized by a very high degree of uncertainty and by the need to take into account a large number of external and internal factors, potentially capable to influence project cash flow generation and, accordingly, the results of the project analysis.

Inside a massive project information field we are supported by modern functionality - scenario analysis, integration of formal methodologies/approaches and adaptive IEMM with integrated econometric blocks.

Наиболее эффективный этап включения экспертов Компании в проектную группу

Привлечение консультанта на ранних этапах продвижения проекта позволяет минимизировать риски, заранее предусмотреть меры, компенсирующие возможные изменения условий реализации этого проекта (См. схему).